Production: Editing

For some of the clips, I decided to add a transition to make the video more effective. To do this, I clicked on the effects bar at the bottom left hand side and clicked "video transitions."I then clicked on "dissolve" and then "cross dissolve." I then dragged the "cross dissolve" onto the editing window and placed next to the clip that I wished to put it. I chose that this effect would be useful in various clips because I felt as though it made the video flow better alongside the music, which has a soft rhythm and the fading of clips matched this well. 

To make my home-video clips more clearly recognisable, I added on overlay over the top. I found this one on google.

I placed these over the clip I wanted it to and it resulted with an effect like this:

I then copy and pasted this over the top of each home video clip by the simple process below: 

I decided to add a title at the beginning, therefore I went on "title" at the top of the toolbar and clicked on "new title"

And then I clicked on "default still" and then wrote the artist name of Swim Deep and the song title "She Changes The Weather" and chose the colour and font to what I wanted. 

I wanted to create a brighter effect on my clips that weren't home videos. I went into "Video Effects" in the "Effects tab" and chose "Adjust"

I then chose the "Auto Contrast" to create a brighter effect.

After rendering the effects area on the editing section, I changed the black and white clip to how I felt gave the effect that I wanted.

Here is an example of the clip that I added with this particular effect. 

Production: Problem with filming

During the Easter half term, I had planned to do more filming for my music video. However, I did not have any access to a professional camera, therefore I opted to use my iPhone. Without knowing, I filmed all the clips in portrait as opposed to landscape that left with me with a problem that you can see down below when I came to edit. 

As you can see, the footage was too small and then when it came to placing it in the sequence, the clip was zoomed in, which then became too hard to work with in order to create the music video.

Production: Change in storyboard

I have made the decision to change my original storyboard and focus it mainly on the toddler girl because unfortunately, some of the original cast members opted out of being in my music video and I cannot find replacements. So my final project will focus on how a new life, a child, can "change the weather" and change people's outlook. 

Production: Filming Planning

I plan to film the majority or all of my music video by the 29th/30th March, so I have time to edit it and put it on my blog by easter. 

Production: Introduction

Here are the following clips that I have filmed and edited together to create the introduction to my music video.

Planning: Preparation over Christmas

Over the Christmas half term, I am going to get the following tasks done in order for my filming to go smoothly:

  • Plan the shot list
  • Plan the costume
  • Take pictures of the cast

Planning: Learning from the Examiner

Below are screenshots from the report created by the examiner from last year's coursework:

Independent Planning: Special FX practice

In today's lesson, we were asked to find a random clip and add a special effect to it. I chose to use a strobe effect. I also changed the colour and speed for each one featured in the sequence of The Shining opening. This will be useful within making my music video because despite not using a strobe light, I may use different filters and various transitions within my music video to make it look more professional and add to the atmospheric feel that my band portray. 

Planning: Equipment

My music video is quite basic in terms of the equipment I need. The only equipment that I will really need is:
  • A digital/ DSLR camera- I will use either my own digital camera or the school's DSLR.

  • A tripod- I will need this for the walking shots to make sure the shots are steady and look professional.

Planning: Props

Within my music video, there a very few props needed. Here is a list of the props I will need:

Bonfire- For scenes 11 and 12.


 Laptop (webcam) and rings- For scene 13.


A dogs lead- For scene 16, 17 and 18.

Independent Research: Camera Angles

Birds-Eye View: Shows a scene from directly above.
High Angle: The camera is elevated above the scene.
Eye Level: The camera is positioned as though it is an actual person observing the scene.
Low Angle: These increase height and give a sense of speeded motion. 
Canted Angle: The camera is tilted to suggest imbalance and instability. 

Independent Research: Camera Shots

  • Extreme Long shot: Generally used as a scene- setting, establishing shot. it typically shows the exterior of a building or a landscape. 
  • Long Shot: Typically shows the full shot of an entire human body. The background is still visible, but the main focus is on the actor to help establish the setting. 
  • Mid Shot: Contains only part of a figure within the frame. These are normally used within dialogues scenes.
  • Close- up: Shows very little background and is mostly concentrated on one specific detail of miss-en-scene or the face. 
  • Extreme Close-Up: Magnifies a specific detail that the human eye would experience in reality and has no focus on the background. 
  • Two-Shot: A shot involving two people within the frame. 
  • Cutaway: A shot of something other than the specific subject.
  • Over the Shoulder Shot: Looking from behind a person or object at the subject.
  • Point-of- View shot: A view from the actor's perspective. 
  • Weather shot: The main focus is on the weather.

Independent Research: Camera Movements

Tracking Shot: The movement of the camera going backwards and forwards.
Tilt Shot: The movement of the camera going upwards or downwards.
Zoom: The movement of the camera into and away from the character.
Arc Shot: The camera moving in a full or semi circle around the character.
Crab Shot: The movement of the camera that follows the character from the side.
Panning Shot: The movement of the camera from left to right.
Crane Shot: The movement of the camera vertically or from above the character.

Planning: To Do List

As a part of planning up to creating my music video, I have created a to-do list in order to keep organised during my planning: 
  • Casting
  • Location planning for every scene
  • Costume planning
  • Props Planning
  • Equipment planning
  • Shot list
  • Schedule for filming

Planning: Storyboard

1. As an introduction, there will just be a blank screen and there will be the sound of a child crying.
2. Timelapse fades in alongside the beginning of the song.
3. The child is holding the camera and is filming herself whilst a mother figure is trying to take it off of her. This is from the child's point of view.
4.The child is running through a field whilst her mum follows behind her.
5. Clip of the waves coming into the tide.
6. Footprints in the sand of mother and toddler with the camera following from behind.

7. Various short clips of home movies between child and family and the child and friends.
8. Shots of woodlands and cuts to close-ups of leaves and flowers etc.
9. A teenage girl running through the woods. quick cut to her feet then tracks up to her whole body, then a crab shot of her running.
10. Close-ups of birds in trees.
11. Tracking shot of the close-up of a leaf falling into a bonfire.
12.Close-ups of two teenagers faces then of their eyes. The blink is used as a transition.

13. Self- directing of a couple showing rings (Skype etc) 
14. Clip of woman walking a dog through the same field as a when she was a toddler.
15. Different angles of the dog, close-up.
16. Close-up of an old woman's hand stroking the dog and putting a lead on him.
17. Follows their footsteps from behind.
18. Tracking shot following the old woman and the dog. 

19. Sunset appears behind the old woman.
20. Cuts back to waves clip.
21. Bird flying away from branch.
22. Sideshot of her infront of the sunset.
23. Clips of home movies from the beginning.
24.  Time lapse of sunset.  

25. Close- up of old woman's eyes. Blinking used as a transition.
26. Close- up of toddler's eyes.

Planning: Macklemore- "Wings" Adobe Premiere Pro practice

In todays lesson, we were given various clips from the music video "Wings" by Macklemore as part of practice in using Adobe Priemere Pro, which is what I will use to edit my music video. We had to edit these together to create a new music video for this song.

Planning: Learning to use Adobe

Planning: Adele Green Screen Test

In today's lesson, we learnt how to use the green screen and got a younger student in to lip sync to Adele's song, "Rolling in the Deep." We then imported the footage into Adobe Premiere Pro and were asked to edit the footage together. We also learnt how to blend the green screen background into the original footage/background footage.

Planning: Using Adobe Premiere Pro

In today's lesson I learnt how to use the editing software, Adobe Premiere Pro, to which I had had no previous experience working with. After being taught the basics, I was asked as practise to edit some clips together in order to get used to the software. After using it for a while, I found it to be very easy and convenient to use and will be the chosen editing software for my music video. Below are some screenshots that I took showing my process of using Adobe Premiere Pro for the first time. 

Once the software is opened, you are greeted with the welcome screen which gives you the option to start a new project, open a project or ask for help. 

After clicking on "New Project" this window appears and gives me all the different video options and what i should name it. I named mine "Learning to Edit." 

The next window shows the sequence settings and after clicking Ok it took me to my editing desktop, to which I am able to create and edit together different pieces of footage. 

I then changed the settings from "Editing" to "Editing CS5.5" by clicking onto "Window" then "Workplace" and then clicked on my desired setting. 

I then imported the footage from the media browser, to do this I clicked onto file, then import.

After importing the wanted footage, I was able to edit it by marking in and out by using the I and O keys. 

After dragging the wanted footage onto the sequence, it asked me if i wanted to change the sequence settings, I pressed yes, therefore it will allow me do more when it does to editing. 

After editing some of the footage together, I went back and and altered the speed. To do this I highlighted the clip and clicked on clip, then speed/duration and then changed it to the desired speed. 

Planning: Inspiration

I chose this video as part of my inspiration because I really liked the ideo of using home videos and amateur filming within my music video because it creates a comforting atmosphere and overall more relatable. However, I have chosen to mix amateur footage with footage that is used with a professional camera to create a more clean effect and will keep the audience more interested to the story to the music video.

These two Ben Howard songs I also chose to use as inspiration  because they both use the aspects of nature within them which for me create a relaxing feel to the music, which especially with the laid-back rhythm of my music video it will flow really well with the entire atmosphere that I want to create to match with the music.

Planning: 60 Second pitch

Hello, today I'm here to pitch to you my idea for a music video to Swim Deep's song "She Changes The Weather." After doing research into the lyrics and analysing them, I found the meaning of the song to be about him falling in love with a girl, who has completely changed his outlook on the world, in a better prospective. The song very much uses the weather as a connotation for love, therefore the main prospect of my video will be based upon nature and how love is a part of nature. The video will show the story of one girls life and how love can shape a person throughout their life. I will be using various locations within my video, in order to show different types of nature that will conote the different types of love people will experience within their life. Thank you for listening to my 60 second pitch.

Planning: Dynamics graph

In todays lesson, we were asked to create a dynamics graph for the song where we comapred the intensity of the song along with the time. From analyzing the song through this graph, I have learnt that the start of my song gradually builds up using piano, drums and guitar. It then stays moderately the same with few harsh dips in the tempo and after an instrumental towards the end of the song, the temp gradually decreases in order for the song to finish. Below, is the graph, to which you can see the intensity and dynamics of the song:

Independent Research: Bestival and Reading 2013

Swim Deep recently played gigs at Bestival and Reading and pictures were uploaded to an online website, I thought that this shows the stage the band plays and the atmosphere they create and how that it will help me to incorporate into my music video. Below are the links to the website to which photos have been presented online. 

Bestival 2013

Reading 2013

Independent Research: Audience feedback

Below is a link and screenshot for an online analysis and feedback for the song from 

thisisfakediy| Blog

Independent Research: Audience feedback

Below is a link and a screenshot from the Aberdeen Student Radio blog that Isla Hodgson gives her personal opinion of the song. 

Aberdeen Student Radio| Blog

Independent research: Audience feedback

Below are screenshots of audience feedback that I have discovered on Swim Deep's various social media. 


