Planning: Using Adobe Premiere Pro

In today's lesson I learnt how to use the editing software, Adobe Premiere Pro, to which I had had no previous experience working with. After being taught the basics, I was asked as practise to edit some clips together in order to get used to the software. After using it for a while, I found it to be very easy and convenient to use and will be the chosen editing software for my music video. Below are some screenshots that I took showing my process of using Adobe Premiere Pro for the first time. 

Once the software is opened, you are greeted with the welcome screen which gives you the option to start a new project, open a project or ask for help. 

After clicking on "New Project" this window appears and gives me all the different video options and what i should name it. I named mine "Learning to Edit." 

The next window shows the sequence settings and after clicking Ok it took me to my editing desktop, to which I am able to create and edit together different pieces of footage. 

I then changed the settings from "Editing" to "Editing CS5.5" by clicking onto "Window" then "Workplace" and then clicked on my desired setting. 

I then imported the footage from the media browser, to do this I clicked onto file, then import.

After importing the wanted footage, I was able to edit it by marking in and out by using the I and O keys. 

After dragging the wanted footage onto the sequence, it asked me if i wanted to change the sequence settings, I pressed yes, therefore it will allow me do more when it does to editing. 

After editing some of the footage together, I went back and and altered the speed. To do this I highlighted the clip and clicked on clip, then speed/duration and then changed it to the desired speed. 

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