Magazine Advertisement

Final Magazine Advertisement:

Process of Creating Magazine Advertisement:

I began with starting with a plain white background and using the gradient tool I used a plain light blue to white background. Then using the pen tool drew some lines in various to give the effect of waves. This is shown in the first draft of my magazine advertisement above. 

After seeing that my first draft was very plain, I got rid of the text and began to start layering the "scattered leaves" stamp in various colours to create a tie-dye/ oceanic feel that runs with the theme. I also used the soft round stamp to create a subtle sun in the middle of the advert to give the sense of the light peering through the waves. 

I then researched the record label of the band and discovered that they were signed with Chess Club and Sony Music record companies and added these at the bottom of the page to identify them as a signed group.

I then began adding text in the same font as my digipak in "Handwriting- Dakota" as it flows quite well and fits with the theme. I also chose to use it in white because then its not harsh and links with the type of music that the band produces of laid-back and light rhythms. 

With the same font I then added the title of the album in black, however it appears black in this example. I also added the links to their social networking sites, which appeals to the young targeted audience who use social networking sites on a regular basis. 

I also added the logos of these social networking sites as it makes it more familiar and eye catching to the audience.

I then added the 2014 tour dates for the band to inform the audience of where they are able to see the band live.

I added the front cover of my digipack onto the centre of my digipack and then I changed the opacity of the background, so my digipack could stand out more and doesn't look merged with the background. 

Example of my magazine advertisement:

Template for my magazine advertisement:
I have created a basic template on glogster of the positioning that I wish to use within my magazine advertisement:

Identifying conventions of music magazine advertisements:
From looking at a range of music magazine advertisements, I can identify the following techniques: 

  • The artist name
  • The album name
  • Image(s)- Whether thats a photograph or abstract etc, or even a picture of the digipack.
  • Record label
  • Other artists featured
  • Reviews
  • The artist's website
  • Social networking sites
  • Tour dates
  • The release date of the album
  • Websites where you can purchase the album from
  • The producer
  • Available products- CD's, LP's etc.
When I create my music magazine advertisement, I will apply these conventions through choosing which ones will be appropriate for the targeted audience of the band and how they will be conveyed to them. For example, Swim Deep have quite a young fan base, therefore information such as the producer and the available products wouldn't appeal to them because young people won't be interested in who produced them. They also wouldn't be interested in the available products because most young people download their music now as opposed to buying CD's. However, information such as social networking sites and tour dates will be useful to have within my advertisement because that is the sort of information that the audience would be looking for. Therefore, allowing Swim Deep to have a better reaction when it comes to popularity through using this magazine advertisement. 

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Magazine Media Packs:

In today's lesson, we were asked to research some magazine media packs to research whether they would be appropriate magazines to feature our advertisement for our chosen band by looking at the median age and the cost of advertising etc.

NME is one of the biggest music magazine companies within the UK and would be one of the most obvious and popular options to get an artist more well known. Below features the NME Press pack which someone has created. It shows that the majority of the audience are male and the median age is 23. So far, this seems like it has quite high potential in the sense that Swim Deep appeal to young people more. However, the only downfall is the price of how much it would cost. Being a relatively unknown band, Swim Deep couldn't possibly afford the bigger spreads. 

Artrocker magazine are an independently based publishing company. They are fairly unknown, however, they were responsible for The Black Keys first gigs. This allows me to have an insight into the fact there is a high possibility that I could feature my advertisement in. The Black Keys and Swim Deep are quite similar in music genres, which allows me to see that this has very high potential. Again, their median age is 23 and they have a higher male audience.  

Wonderland has a very modern feel to it allowing me to see that it would be very appropriate for the audience of Swim Deep. The magazine prides itself on featuring the latest fashions, parties, celebrities etc. It's median age ranges between 20 and 40, therefore it would be quite suitable for my targeted audience. 

The Fly:
The Fly is very appealing to advertise my magazine advertisement in because the other artists that they have featured with their magazine have the  similar "indie-folk-pop" feel to it like Swim Deep. Some of these feature Lorde, Sky Ferriera, Arctic Monkeys and Jake Bugg. They have a much younger median age of 18-35 year olds, which is much more appealing to my band as they have a young fan base. 

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