Independent Research: Camera Shots

  • Extreme Long shot: Generally used as a scene- setting, establishing shot. it typically shows the exterior of a building or a landscape. 
  • Long Shot: Typically shows the full shot of an entire human body. The background is still visible, but the main focus is on the actor to help establish the setting. 
  • Mid Shot: Contains only part of a figure within the frame. These are normally used within dialogues scenes.
  • Close- up: Shows very little background and is mostly concentrated on one specific detail of miss-en-scene or the face. 
  • Extreme Close-Up: Magnifies a specific detail that the human eye would experience in reality and has no focus on the background. 
  • Two-Shot: A shot involving two people within the frame. 
  • Cutaway: A shot of something other than the specific subject.
  • Over the Shoulder Shot: Looking from behind a person or object at the subject.
  • Point-of- View shot: A view from the actor's perspective. 
  • Weather shot: The main focus is on the weather.

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