Production: Editing

For some of the clips, I decided to add a transition to make the video more effective. To do this, I clicked on the effects bar at the bottom left hand side and clicked "video transitions."I then clicked on "dissolve" and then "cross dissolve." I then dragged the "cross dissolve" onto the editing window and placed next to the clip that I wished to put it. I chose that this effect would be useful in various clips because I felt as though it made the video flow better alongside the music, which has a soft rhythm and the fading of clips matched this well. 

To make my home-video clips more clearly recognisable, I added on overlay over the top. I found this one on google.

I placed these over the clip I wanted it to and it resulted with an effect like this:

I then copy and pasted this over the top of each home video clip by the simple process below: 

I decided to add a title at the beginning, therefore I went on "title" at the top of the toolbar and clicked on "new title"

And then I clicked on "default still" and then wrote the artist name of Swim Deep and the song title "She Changes The Weather" and chose the colour and font to what I wanted. 

I wanted to create a brighter effect on my clips that weren't home videos. I went into "Video Effects" in the "Effects tab" and chose "Adjust"

I then chose the "Auto Contrast" to create a brighter effect.

After rendering the effects area on the editing section, I changed the black and white clip to how I felt gave the effect that I wanted.

Here is an example of the clip that I added with this particular effect. 

Production: Problem with filming

During the Easter half term, I had planned to do more filming for my music video. However, I did not have any access to a professional camera, therefore I opted to use my iPhone. Without knowing, I filmed all the clips in portrait as opposed to landscape that left with me with a problem that you can see down below when I came to edit. 

As you can see, the footage was too small and then when it came to placing it in the sequence, the clip was zoomed in, which then became too hard to work with in order to create the music video.

Production: Change in storyboard

I have made the decision to change my original storyboard and focus it mainly on the toddler girl because unfortunately, some of the original cast members opted out of being in my music video and I cannot find replacements. So my final project will focus on how a new life, a child, can "change the weather" and change people's outlook. 

Production: Filming Planning

I plan to film the majority or all of my music video by the 29th/30th March, so I have time to edit it and put it on my blog by easter. 

Production: Introduction

Here are the following clips that I have filmed and edited together to create the introduction to my music video.