Research: Brief textual analysis of a music video


Artist: Jagwar Ma
Song: Come Save Me
Release Date: 22nd November 2011
Genre: Alternative Dance/ Indie- Rock

The video, in a way, illustrates the lyrics, therefore creating a relationship between the lyrics and the visuals. However, I think this is only done through the animation- like performance of the band members throughout the video. 

The Billie Jean-esque square neon lights flashing at the beginning of the video also help build a relationship between the actual music and the videos as each light flashes at the same time the drum beats. This is also portrayed through the coloured shapes that appear in the background and zoom in throughout the video  when the harmonies appear.

The importance of the artist is shown continuously throughout the video as the band perform all the way through, however we never see their full identities, only their shadows, which is a huge part of their image as a band. A typical trait that I have realised is that they rarely make appearances within their videos and that is a major factor for their public image. Perhaps they want their audience to focus on the music and visuals of their videos as opposed to what they look like and what they're wearing ect. 

There are no voyeurisms used within the video and I believe this is purely based upon the bands image. Modern day society and media's impact upon the way in which media is produced and distributed, you would perhaps expect a video with voyeurisms within it due to its love-song essence within the lyrics. However, due to the image that this band has, they don't feel the pressure to add voyeurisms in their video, but instead can use animation 80's vibe sound and editing, which could all be involved within the genre of the music. 

As previously mentioned, when I initially watched the video, the beginning instantly made me revert back to Michael Jackson's Billie Jean video, where the lights would appear when he stood on them and also cut to the beat of the music. Being released in 1983, Billie Jean also reinitiates the 80's feel to this music video and works well with the "Alternative dance" genre. Also, notice the beat of the drum at the beginning of both videos, again, very similar. 

There is not necessarily any narrative view to the video as the song itself is very repetitive in what it is saying, so a narrative structure to the video, in my opinion, would be unnecessary and conforming to stereotypical music videos of the current media sphere at the time of its release.

Research: Andrew Goodwin's 6 Features of Music Videos

Andrew Goodwin, the author of "Dancing in the Distraction Factory," highlights characteristics and features that are typically found in music videos. 

1. Music Videos demonstrate genre characteristics.
(E.g. Dance routines in boy/girl bands or stage performances in metal videos.)

2. There is a relationship between lyrics and visuals. The lyrics are represented with images. 
(Either illustrative, amplifying or contradicting.)

3. There is a relationship between music and visuals. The tone and atmosphere of the visual reflects that of the music. 
(Either illustrative, amplifying or contradicting.)

4. The demands of the record label will include the need for lots of close- ups of the artist and the artist may develop motifs which reoccur across their work.

5. Frequently more references to notion of looking (E.g. Screens within screens,) and particularly voyeuristic treatment of females. 

6. Intertextual references to films, T.V programmes etc.