Planning: Preparation over Christmas

Over the Christmas half term, I am going to get the following tasks done in order for my filming to go smoothly:

  • Plan the shot list
  • Plan the costume
  • Take pictures of the cast

Planning: Learning from the Examiner

Below are screenshots from the report created by the examiner from last year's coursework:

Independent Planning: Special FX practice

In today's lesson, we were asked to find a random clip and add a special effect to it. I chose to use a strobe effect. I also changed the colour and speed for each one featured in the sequence of The Shining opening. This will be useful within making my music video because despite not using a strobe light, I may use different filters and various transitions within my music video to make it look more professional and add to the atmospheric feel that my band portray. 

Planning: Equipment

My music video is quite basic in terms of the equipment I need. The only equipment that I will really need is:
  • A digital/ DSLR camera- I will use either my own digital camera or the school's DSLR.

  • A tripod- I will need this for the walking shots to make sure the shots are steady and look professional.

Planning: Props

Within my music video, there a very few props needed. Here is a list of the props I will need:

Bonfire- For scenes 11 and 12.


 Laptop (webcam) and rings- For scene 13.


A dogs lead- For scene 16, 17 and 18.